Neighborhood Association or Homeowners Association – What Are They And How Do They Differ?
A neighborhood association (NOA) is a group of residents or property owners that form a group to advocate and organize activities within a neighborhood. For example, there is a neighborhood association in Dewitt NY called The DeWittshire Community Club. This club features 6 streets and 140 houses. DeWitt has a few neighborhoods who have organized to build community between neighbors. The DeWittshire Community Club organizes many activities throughout the year: A Turkey Trot, Ladies Night Out, Cookie Exchange, Luminary Bags, Potluck picnics, Neighborhood Garage Sale, Easter Egg Hunt, July 4th Neighborhood Parade, Fall Welcome.
Homeowners associations (HOA) are groups of property owners with the legal authority to enforce rules and regulations that focus on restrictions and building and safety issues. For example the Watertree Condominium Association of Dewitt. The association maintains the common property such as parks, tennis courts, swimming pool etc. Even though the Condo owners own their individual units. These types of associations might tell you what color paint your house or fence can be and how high etc.
Another big difference is HOA’s are usually mandatory where NOA’s are voluntary.
HOA’s and NOA’s not only help you meet your neighbors but it might indirectly form a neighborhood watch too.
HOA’s and NOA’s both need insurance with some slight differences. HOA’s usually have general liability, premise liability, director’s & officers liability, but HOA’s usually have property coverage too – building and common area coverage.
NOA’s don’t typically own any property coverage. The would still want general liability, premise liability for their meeting space and director’s and officers coverage. Maybe some business personal property for supplies and equipment.
The Town Of Dewitt published an article in December of 2019 on their website that included some basic steps on how to form a Neighborhood Association and also a Neighborhood Watch program. You can find the article here –
Check with your local town, village or city to see if there is a neighborhood association where you live and if not maybe start one!
Image credit: The DeWittshire Community Club & The Town Of Dewitt